- And what bit me to finish this model in the plain Turkish silver, with all the
fancy Bulgarian paintings available around? Well, I just like the smell of Alclad
in the morning ;-) Again - I adore the shape and I just believe, that it comes out
best in natural metal. Also, I think it goes nicely with the intensive red of the
tail and markings.
In the progress of building I came up with a good method of producing semi-spherical
position lights. I took some scraps of colored clear styrene, put them on a piece of
aluminum foil, and carefuly heated over a candle. The cohesion of the liquid plastic
vs. gravity produced a nice half-bead. It takes a few tries to get the proper size,
but it's just a matter of few seconds to create one.
As the plane was brand new, the manifold was painted in annealing colors of
fresh hot metal, rather rust.
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